Monday, June 20, 2011


What is your inspiration? Do you get creative ideas from listening to music or taking a walk outside? Different things may inspire us to be creative in different ways, and for some of us it is knowing what to do with that inspiration. Sometimes we are inspired but don't do anything with it and the inspiration goes away.

When I feel inspired I like to use a notepad to keep notes on what painting or sculpture I want to make next. This way I don't forget my inspired idea when I don't have time to start right away. Making notes along with a rough sketch can help you to remember exactly which direction you wanted to take your artwork and I've noticed that if you wait a few days and come back to your notes you can get a different perspective on an area that will work better than originally planned.

All you need is a pen or pencil and a blank piece of paper. Keep your ideas in a folder for later reference and so you don't lose it for when you do want to work on it. It's fun to go back through all of your ideas much later and see which ones worked out and which ones didn't.You can also see which areas needed more substance and what you could have done different that would have worked out better.

Next time you're feeling inspired don't let it go to waste! Jot down some quick ideas and see where it goes. You just might be surprised at where your inspiration can take you.

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